Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving Day - The Best Time To Shop For Christmas?
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It's Thanksgiving season once again. Though we do not officially celebrate the holiday here in the Philippines, we still get to enjoy it because of the huge discounts from different online shops. The sale usually begins during Thanksgiving Day or the day after which is popularly known as Black Friday. Major shopping stores in the US traditionally offer promotional sales to welcome the Christmas shopping season during this day. But due to the modernization of our world today, Black Friday has spread all throughout the cyberworld., for one is having their 'Tis The Season Sale
right now which lasts until Sunday, November 25. They are offering big discounts for their hundreds of brand new styles from cute and chic dresses and vintage swimwear to stylish stuff for your home. This Round About Time Mug, for example, is now $7.99 only - almost 50% off its original price of $15!
I haven't tried shopping from yet. I just recently discovered about this shopping site when I saw the 99 Tie wedges by Jeffrey Campbell at Pinterest. So when I was brought to their website, I can't help browsing through the different style of clothes, shoes, and other stuff that they offer.
As a person who loves to travel, it's hard for me to splurge on shopping. So the Black Friday event and other year-end promotional sales are such great opportunities for me to shop especially that Christmas is almost a month away.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Travel and Fashion: Map Wedge Shoes
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Though I love travel and fashion, these two don't go too well most of the time for me. Comfort is my top priority when traveling. So when I found this photo on Pinterest, I was really awed by the creativity of the designer. It has perfectly combined travel and fashion in this shoe. Aside from flip flops, I also love to wear wedges. Although I don't fancy wearing this particular one, I wouldn't mind having a pair in my shoe rack or cabinet. :D
This is the 99 Tie wedges by Jeffrey Campbell. The latitude on each pair of shoes are actually unique so even if you find someone wearing the same shoes, they still won't look exactly the same. The photo was pinned from and a pair of this lovely wedge costs $152.99. So if you like it, you can Shop Shoes from Modcloth!
If you have a pair of this, how will you mix it with your clothes? I'm thinking of pairing it with white or beige (short) shorts and any tank top.