This will be a spoiler for those who haven't watched it yet. The story ended with a car accident. How many (pinoy) movies ended with a car accident just for the characters to reconcile and solve their problems? Ok I cannot really count how many there were but the most recent that I can recall is My Amnesia Girl. It also ended with John Loyd's car accident.
Anyway, back to No Other Woman. I had an impression that the car accident was their (producer,scriptwriter,or whoever responsible) way to easily end the story and the movie. The car accident was the answer for the mistress to stop chasing the husband and for the wife to get back with him. Yeah right. Sound easy enough.
This may be the reason why I have always liked One More Chance because it didn't have a happy-ending-story. Well the two main characters did meet again and we can assume they got back together but it didn't end the typical way.
So as a conclusion to this post, No Other Woman is a high caliber movie. I just don't like the way it ended. :D
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